Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero
Recommendations and Guidance on Financial Institution Net-zero Transition Plans
Catalyzing Climate Action: Emergent Asia-Pacific Case Studies of Financial Institutions’ Net-zero Transition Plans
This GFANZ Asia-Pacific Network case-study report builds on the inaugural June 2023 report that reviewed how financial institutions in the region were developing the components of their net-zero transition plans. The case studies featured in this report showcase practical examples of transition planning advancing net-zero commitments and the evolution of practices across the region.

GFANZ Progress Report 2024
This GFANZ Progress Report outlines the progress made in 2024 and how that momentum can be sustained. This year, GFANZ continued to provide financial institutions with tools, frameworks, and voluntary guidance to support the net-zero transition, which bolsters economic growth and manages the financial risks of climate change. Our work will continue to evolve and reflect the needs of financial institutions and support opportunities to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and prosperous global economy.

Guidance on Use of Sectoral Pathways for Financial Institutions
This publication offers guidance and a framework to help financial institutions evaluate suitability of sectoral pathways in their transition planning process and implementation efforts.
Executive Summary Translations

Nature in Net-zero Transition Plans
This consultation covers how nature-related levers can support net-zero commitments by reducing GHG emissions from land, ocean, and freshwater sources, and by creating or increasing GHG sinks. It also features supplemental, voluntary guidance on how to incorporate nature-related levers as part of a strategic, credible net-zero transition plan.

Index Guidance to Support Real-Economy Decarbonization
This consultation outlines potential guidance index participants (index providers, data providers, stock exchanges, asset owners, asset managers and other investors) may take to voluntarily and independently develop and adopt indices that support real-economy decarbonisation.

Case Studies on Transition Finance and Decarbonization Contribution Methodologies
This report illustrates how financial institutions have independently developed and implemented approaches that support the GFANZ four key transition financing strategies and showcases results from the pilot of emergent decarbonization contribution methodologies.

GFANZ Progress Report
GFANZ’s new report, The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero: Our progress and plan towards a net zero global economy, shares the history of GFANZ since its launch in April 2021 and the progress it has made across its seven workstreams in service of accelerating the financial sector’s transition to net zero.

Towards a Global Baseline for Net-zero Transition Planning
This guide provides an overview of the voluntary, pan-financial sector net-zero transition planning tools and guidance developed by GFANZ in 2022, and how these resources can be used together to support financial institutions’ efforts to develop and implement net-zero transition plans.

Recommendations and Guidance on Financial Institution Net-zero Transition Plans
This publication describes how financial institutions across the financial system can operationalize their net-zero commitments and support the real-economy transition.
Executive Summary
This document presents the key concepts, recommendations, and guidance for net-zero transition planning in financial institutions.
Fundamentals, Recommendations, and Guidance
This document presents voluntary, pan-sector, globally-applicable recommendations of the elements of a net-zero transition plan with accompanying guidance, examples, and case studies. Also contained herein are details on the core concepts that GFANZ believes underlie the elements of a net-zero transition plan.

Financing the Managed Phaseout of Coal-Fired Power Plants in Asia Pacific
This report, which addresses financing the managed phaseout of coal-fired power plants in the Asia-Pacific region, aims to provide practical, voluntary guidance for net zero-committed financial institutions considering the financing of coal phaseout transactions.